On September 10, 2015, the New York State Sheriffs’ Association (NYSSA) sponsored a full-day training program on the ins and outs of General Municipal Law Section 207-c (GML). This state law provides law enforcement personnel with enhanced benefits when incurring an injury or illness “in the performance of duty.” There is a similar statute for firefighters.
Rensselaer County Sheriff Jack Mahar hosted the training program at the Sheriff’s Office, and welcomed Sheriffs, Undersheriffs, road patrol division chiefs, jail administrators, and other Sheriffs’ staff members. Elayne G. Gold, was one of the three instructors for the event.
The NYSSA presented the Friends of Law Enforcement Award to Elayne “in recognition of her commitment to, and expertise in, educating Sheriffs and their staff officers in Police law issues.” Elayne has been a NYSSA instructor since 1994.
